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Family Information

Parent Support Information

To further efforts in supporting and empowering families, DCF has collaborated with the United Way and community providers to establish a "When it Builds Up, Talk it Out" campaign.


Any parent who wishes to access supports is invited to CALL 833-258-5011 and engage with trained professionals who will listen and speak (IN SPANISH OR ENGLISH) with them about their concerns. If additional help is needed, they will be referred to community-based services.


The support line can also be accessed via cell phone by visiting and clicking on the link to be connected to the same caring professionals.


The "Talk It Out Line" is available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 8 pm and on weekends from 1 pm to 8 pm and has both English and Spanish capacity.


We encourage you to actively discuss this with the families you serve and provide them the contact information. Please know this line is also a support to each of you.


All parents need support during this time.


Thank you.  Also, please remember we have  COVID-19 Resources for Families and Community Members.  Please feel free to share with friends and families.